Sunday, January 2, 2011

Valley of Chitral

Valley of Chitral is a beautiful valley,away from the hustle andbustle of big cities .it takes almost 12 hours ,drive to reach chitral from islamabad.its natural beauty facinates the is not thickly populated.the people are very friendly..their way of living is simple.their features resemble those living in the rural areas of peshawar.they are faired skinned with beautiful appearance.
the main attraction of chitral is people-the KALSAH.thay live at some  distances away from the main Chitral town.kalsah women wear an etraordinary large head-dress dcorated with buttons and shells.they wear strings of beads of dofferent colours.they wear black dress .

their houses are built of summer,their women sit in the verandah of the first floor where they cook ,spin,and winter,they come down to the ground floor where they cook and do therir jobs.

the kalash are found of music .they perform differnet dances for their festivals.their rhymic movements enchant the visitors.
the kalash people are great attraction for tourists.

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